Barry is a drama about a hitman becoming an actor in Los Angeles. It was first aired in 2018 and had two more seasons released in 2019 and 2022. The show stars Bill Hader as Barry (SNL, Inside Out, Trainwreck), Henry Winkler, Sarah Goldberg, Anthony Carrigan, and Stephen Root.
Season 1 of Barry starts off with getting to know the characters. Barry is assigned a job in Los Angeles for the Chechen Mob (Carrigan) to kill a man. While following his victim, he steps into an acting class and is forced to take part in the scene on stage. He meets Sally Reed (Goldberg) and the teacher, Mr. Cousineau (Winkler), and realizes that he enjoys LA. Barry spends most of the season trying to quit being a hitman and pursue the acting class full time.
Season 2 of Barry continues with Barry and the acting class. Barry has cut ties with his handler, Fuches, and is with Sally. This season focuses more on the relationships between Barry and the people in his life. (Sally, Hank, Mr. Cousineau, and Fuches) It also deals with the internal dilemma Barry is facing, is he evil?
Season 3 answers the question Barry faced in season 2. There was a 6-month break from the season 2 finale and season 3 premiere in the show. Barry is pushed off the deep end and tries to swim up to shore. His mental state this season is messed up and affects his relationship with Sally and Mr. Cousineau. Season 3 is a terrifying season that has no limits to how far Barry can go to sabotage himself and his loved ones.
The production of this show is phenomenal. I found it a little similar to Mr. Robot, with the foreshadowing, planning, and editing. But this show is fantastic. Everything circles back from past storylines and are constantly referenced. The story never started the season on a clean slate and instead, kept building on what was from the last season. And that's what I love about dramas and stories like these. Most dramas try to reference past storylines, but it only plays a small part in the big picture/season. Everything that Barry does, there's a consequence that comes back and hurts him.
The cast is also incredible on-screen. The emotional scenes they act on in class or in their characters' lives are so captivating, it feels like I'm in the room with them, trying to change their minds. (Because ALL of them make bad decisions) A personal favorite scene is in season 3, episode 2 "limonada", when Barry goes to Mr. Cousineau's house in and asks Mr. Cousineau if he loves him. That whole scene is horrifying to watch. We see the demise of Barry's mentality as he's hurting his loved one all for his own gratification.
Overall I recommend Barry. The show is easy to watch and easy to fall in love with. Each season has 8 episodes, 30 minutes each. You could get the whole show done in 12 hours. Or you can savor it. (Which I am encouraging you to do) I am excited to see season 4!
Rating: 10/10