Spirited is a Christmas movie based on A Christmas Carol. The story follows a department of workers, changing people's lives by showing them their past, present, and future on Christmas night. Spirited takes place in New York. The movie stars Ryan Reynolds, Will Ferrell, Octavia Spencer, and Tracy Morgan.
The movie begins with the team finishing off the season, helping a woman change her ways. They celebrate the success until The ghost of Christmas present (Ferrell) strays away into a different room where he wonders if they did a good job. After the celebration, in the New Year, they start to sort and pick the next person to help. When scouting and visiting candidates, The ghost of Christmas present sees Clint Briggs (Reynolds), and convinces the team to pick him for this year. The team finds that Briggs is an "Unredeemable". Nevertheless, The ghost persists and the team picks Briggs and gets to work to make him a nicer, better person.
The movie had a lot going on, visually and musically. I think it started to give me a headache. The plot was really fun. Sure it may be overdone, but I think the musical numbers really helped make it more unique. Would I watch this movie again? I don’t think so. While the movie is entertaining and thoughtful, the end of the movie is a shocking, yet fantastic, twist that makes it unwatchable again in the future. Maybe if I did want to rewatch it, I would look for the foreshadowing, hinting towards the end.
Some of my favorite things from the movie are obviously the soundtrack and songs, cinematography, and set design. The scene where we first met Briggs is so fun and amazing to watch. It was like a whole Christmas music video. Also, it was so exciting to hear Tracy Morgan's voice in The ghost of Yet to Come. Absolutely my favorite part of the movie.
Overall, Spirited is a enjoyable Christmas movie with lots of jokes and love. I think it was a fun 2-hour watch for the Christmas season. The twists were also fun to see. I would recommend Spirited this holiday season.
Rating: 8/10