Inside job is an animated show about a secret company that controls the world and conspiracies. Part 2 was recently released on November 18 with 8 episodes streaming. The cast includes Lizzy Caplan (Party Down), Clark Duke (Greek, The Office), and Christian Slater (Heathers, Mr. Robot).
First I do want to clarify that part 2 is not season 2. Season 1 was ordered for 20 episodes, the creator, Shion Takeuchi, wanted to split it into two parts. Season 2 was already renewed in June. Parts 1 and 2 were Season 1, just split into two parts. My prediction is the same split will happen for Season 2.
I really liked Part 2 of the show! A new character was introduced this season, Ron Stadler, played by Adam Scott (Parks and Recreation, Severance, Party Down). Stadler works at a rival company, The Illuminati. Stadler felt like a good character to watch the main characters interact with. It was nice seeing him meet Reagan’s friends at Cognito Inc and get pulled into those missions with her.
I noticed episode 6, “Rontagion”, was extremely similar to the Rick and Morty episode, “Rick Potion #9”. Andre gives Brett a serum to make him like Ron; it backfires and spreads, making everyone love Ron. Rick does the same thing for Morty so Jessica loves him. I don’t necessarily think this is a bad thing since the ending of Inside Job’s episode is different than Rick and Morty’s. I definitely prefer Inside Job’s episode to "Rick Potion #9".
One thing I do wish that could be fixed was Adam Scott’s voice acting. I don’t hate that Scott played Ron, in fact, I love it, but I just wish he was more expressive in his voice. His voice just felt sort of monotone. This isn’t a dealbreaker for me, I will still watch the show. This was more of a wish than a problem. But it made me realize how great the other actors are and show how much range they have in their voices.
I did like Ron and Reagan's relationship. It was very lighthearted and a breath of fresh air to watch instead of all the conspiracies and hijinxs the characters are normally up to. Ron and Reagan themselves referenced their relationship as 'enemies to lovers' and 'rivals'. I feel like it never played out that way since the rival trope normally has the couple as very competitive people. Ron and Reagan were never competitive when it came to their jobs. They eased into each other. That is really nice to see.
Inside Job Part 2 is an amazing continuation to the bigger picture and offers more character development for the next part of the series. I will 100% continue watching.
Rating: 9/10